Masterclass by Rebecca Amsellem, in conversation with Alayo Akinkugbe, in collaboration with the Musée international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (MICR)
What would a feminist, inclusive and engaged museum look like? What concrete steps can be taken to achieve this?
As a legacy of patriarchal society, museums are – for the most part – designed by men or for men. How can we make the museum experience more inclusive and the constitution of its heritage more egalitarian?
Each year, the MICR addresses a major societal theme through all its productions, both as a public space and as an employer. “Gender and diversity” is the theme for 2021-2022, and these themes are explored alongside Rebecca Amsellem, with whom the museum has been working for over a year to identify what a feminist and committed museum would be. The author and activist will share the results of this important research in a series of masterclasses, which will open the doors to a more inclusive and diverse museum.
With :
Rebecca Amsellem, writer, activist and member of the feminist newsletter Les Glorieuses
Alayo Akinkugbe, University of Cambridge, founder of @ablackhistoryofart
Conversation in english. To register :
Discovering the podcast’s episode of Les gens qui doutent, with Rebecca Amsellem here, watch or rewatch her Konbini speech here.
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